Shammah Publications Bookstore

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 Welcome to the Shammah Publications Bookstore.

Poetry Chapbooks:

“A Seed Planted” – $12.00

aseedplantedThis chapbook is the result of a recent artistic collaboration with Living Stones Fine Arts community in Lexington, Kentucky. “A Seed Planted”  is a savory mixture of personal, philosophical, and reflective poetry.

For those of you who are new to poetry, each poem in this book represents either the theme of “firsts” or “new beginnings”; in some poems this won’t be as obvious.  (Hint: If the poem seemingly has nothing to do with  “firsts” or “new beginnings”, it may have other significance.)  I leave the mysteries and riddles for you to solve.

I hope that you drink in this blend of emotional verses, classical meters/rhymes, and philosophical thematics, like a strong, smooth bourbon that warms your tongue and fills the soul.  May you be so enraptured with the first sip that you keep coming back for more.

Buy Now  (in Print only.  PDF coming soon)

 (Shipping and Handling, and Taxes Included in Price)
Book Dimensions:  8.5in  x 5.5in
Cover: Paperback
Pages: 24 pages
Poems: 13 poems
“Seasons of Melancholy” – $20.00
Seasons of MelancholySeasons of Melancholy is newest chapbook for Shammah Publications. Unlike “A Seed Planted”, this one is not handcrafted but professionally printed and available for purchase at most major online bookstores. (Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, Kindle, Createspace, etc).
The chapbook is a collection of personal and reflective poems spanning the last twenty years of the authors life. It is broken into 4 seasons: Loneliness, Rejection, Loathing, and Grief. The author bears his soul through various forms of verse. He desires to make him self relatable to his readers and to show that there is always hope. Also hidden in the book is a personal memoir about a period of life that spanned three months but felt like it lasted six years.
 Book Dimension : 6 x 9 
 Cover: Paper Back
 Pages: 64
 Poems: 28
 Short Story: 1
Purchase Options:
Buy Now
(Buy signed copies at a discounted rate of $15.00 from author using Buy Now button. For a limited time)
Online Bookstores
 CreateSpace eStore:  $ 20.00 [Preferred Vendor of author] *
*If you buy a hard copy version you get a Kindle Version FREE!
Other Online Retailer
(Please use these retailers only if the other two options if CreateSpace eStore or PayPal are not available options) – $17.51 (Prime available)
 Barnes & Noble – $17.14 – $2.00 (This version is FREE with a purchase of a hard copy from CreateSpace eStore).



(Shipping and Handling is included in those purchase through the PayPal button, these will be signed or autographed copies from the author. Be sure to include any special message you would like the author to add to your book. eg. “To Sally, from Dad. I love you always.”  —-It may take 1-3 weeks after purchase to receive these purchases. It will depend on the amount ordered and how many the author physically has available. These purchases will be shipped by the author to the buyer directly. 6% Tax will be applied)
(All purchases made from online bookstores will be purchased and shipped directly to the buyer [Print On Demand], so the author will not be able to sign those books. Shipping and Handling will be charged separately. Most major bookstores offer a small discount for buying from their website.)

One thought on “Shammah Publications Bookstore

  1. Pingback: Audio: Gallery Hop reading of the “Acquainted with Grief Series” | The Precipice of Wes

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